Window Cleaning Supplies - Tips To Get Gleamingly Clean

Window Cleaning Supplies - Tips To Get Gleamingly Clean

Scott 0 1,252 06.12 23:45
What is shellac? It's probably not what you think. Sure, it's a finish that is applied to wood to give it added beauty and protection. You probably know that. But, what is it made from? The answer may surprise you; shellac is made from bug secretions. A small insect in India sucks the sap from several species of trees which it secretes as a resin to protect itself and its eggs. The resin is called lac and this is what is used to make shellac. Now you won't have to ask, "What is shellac" anymore.

In general, clean from the top - down. That means dusting, wiping table surfaces and windows, then vacuuming and mopping. Think to yourself "what is wrong with this picture?" This is the whole clue to leaving your home in good order. Use your washing machine to clean the curtains and throw rugs, if possible. Make it easy on yourself - the home is for you to enjoy!

Why are they easier to make than traditional quilts? As mentioned earlier, expert sewing knowledge is not necessary. If you can measure fabrics and sew a straight line (or even not so straight), then you can make a rag quilt.

Now let's talk about doing the fiberglass tabbing. You will need Fiberglass Resin and hardener and of course Fiberglass cloth. Get two types...fiberglass mat, which is chopped fiberglass strands put together in a roll or squares and the other is fiberglass woven cloth. The chopped fiberglass mat forms easily to any surface contours and then putting the woven mat on top gives it plenty of strength. You can put a layer of the chopped fiberglass followed by the woven fiberglass and then do a final chopped again wider than the area you have done....that's real beefy. There are so many ways to do this, and you will get opinions from everyone...some who have never done this, but to do is better to not do. You will also learn and see the intricacies of the inner parts of your hull.

And of course, there is always word of mouth, the cheapest and most effective form of network marketing advertising available to you, and the one most tested and true since the inception of the business oh so many years ago. Creating a positive buzz about your business and opportunity handmade doll invaluable. If one person has a positive experience with you, they will tell two friends, who tell two friends, and so on down the line. Always look for ways to draw people in, and always consider yourself "on stage" when you are out of the house. You never know who's watching or who could be your next lead.

To do the fiberglass tabbing you first want to clean the area and rough it up with 60 or 80 grit sand paper really well. Then clean up the area again, and this time have a rag moisten with acetone to then wipe the area down....(of course do not use any solvent in a closed area, read all instructions on anything you use). Now let's say it is a bulkhead running from the bilge area upward. You want to tab along where the bulkhead runs (both sides if you can get to it) and about 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 inches or more (depending what you can get at). So clean the area up, sand, clean again and wipe with moistened rag with acetone on it.

Shellac is nontoxic, very easy to apply and repair, and cleans up like a dream. But it does have one drawback; it doesn't hold up well to heat, liquids or scratches. One way around this is to use dewaxed shellac and cover with varnish. Applying shellac is time consuming but well worth the time and effort. Try it on your next project.


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